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OPC Procore Connector

The OPC Procore Connector is a simple utility which makes it easy for you to export schedules from Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC) and import them into Procore. At present, the only way to get your OPC schedule into Procore is to manually export a file from OPC then upload it to Procore. This connector takes away all of the error-prone manual steps and makes schedule import into Procore as easy as a single click.

Quick Start

DOWNLOAD the Connector and follow the installation instructions below. The Connector has a 21 day free trial. If you wish to continue using the Connector after 21 days you can PURCHASE A LICENSE. This is a perpetual license for use of the Connector and in addition entitles you to 12 months of support and updates. You can continue using the Connector indefinitely once your license has expired, but without support and updates. You may PURCHASE A LICENSE at any time once your current license has expired if you wish to continue receiving support and updates for the Connector.


Click Here to download the connector. Unzip the download file and run setup.exe to install the Connector.

You may be prompted to install some prerequisite components before the Connector itself is installed, as shown below.

Installing prerequisites dialog

The installer for the prerequisites is likely to request your permission to continue via a User Account Control window. In many cases this window does not automatically come to the front. Look out for a flashing icon similar to the one shown below to bring the window to the front and click Yes to allow the installer to continue.

User account control icon

Once the prerequisite components have been installed, you should then see the Connector installer:

Connector installer

Follow the prompts to complete the installation. Once the installation is complete, you should see an entry like this in your start menu:

New Start Menu entry

First Use

OPC Credentials

When you launch the Connector for the first time your will be prompted to enter the details to log in to your OPC instance:

Entering OPC credentials

The OPC Hostname field allows you to enter the hostname of your OPC instance, which will typically be something like, without the leading http or any trailing slashes or other information. You don't need to type this in yourself. When you are logged in to OPC in your web browser you should see something like this in the address bar:

Browser address bar when logged in to OPC

Just copy the entire contents of the address bar and paste it into this OPC Hostname field, and the OPC connector will work out the correct value for you.

The OPC Username and OPC Password fields allow you to enter the username and password you would normally use to log into OPC. Once you have filled in these fields, press the OK button to move on. At this point the connector will log in to OPC. If there has been a problem with your OPC credentials you'll see an error message, and will be returned to this page to allow you to change the details you supplied.

Procore Credentials

Once you have entered your OPC credentials, the Connector will authenticate with Procore. You will see a browser window open with a prompt to log in to Procore:

Procore login page in a web browser

After logging in you will see a screen, similar to the one shown below, which allows you to confirm that you are happy for the OPC Procore Connector to access Procore. Click the Allow button to continue.

Procore authorization prompt

Once Procore authentication has finished, you will be prompted to close the browser window.

Prompt to close browser window

At this point you have provided both the OPC and Procore credentials. You will not normally need to enter the Procore credentials again, the Connector will look after keeping them up-to-date itself. You may need to enter the OPC credentials again if your OPC password expires and you create a new password in OPC. The Connector will prompt you to update the credentials if it is unable to log in to OPC.

Setting Up a Configuration

The OPC Procore Connector works with named configurations to make it easy for you to manage multiple projects. Each configuration defines which OPC project you would like to export, and which Procore project you would like to import the resulting data. You can give each configuration a memorable name when it is created, making it simple to select the correct configuration next time you want to update a schedule in Procore.

As this is the first time we have used the OPC connector, you will see the screen below asking you to create your first configuration. At this point it is recommended that you try this process first with a Procore Sandbox project to ensure that you can validate that everything is working as you expect, before you proceed to importing schedules into "live" Procore projects.

Entering a new OPC Procore Connector configuration

Enter the name for your new configuration, then select the Procore Company you want to work with. If your Procore user is only associated with one Company, this will be selected as the default value. Once you have selected a company you will be able to select the Procore Project you would like to import the schedule into. Finally you can select the OPC Project you wish to send to Procore.

Click the OK button to proceed, and you'll see screen similar to the one below as an export is requested from OPC.

OPC export in progress

This can take a few minutes as OPC exports projects as a "background job" which can take a little while to be processed.

Once the export has completed the schedule will be uploaded to Procore, which is usually completes relatively quickly. You should the see a screen like this:

Export to Procore completed successfully

Working With Configurations


Once you have created at least one configuration, no further data needs to be entered when you want to export a project from OPC to Procore. Now when you open the OPC Procore Connector you will be presented with a screen like this:

Start screen when a configuration exists

The Select Configuration field allows you to select the configuration you want to work with from the list of available configurations. Once a configuration is selected the Select Operation defaults to Export to Procore, as shown below.

Configuration selected for export

Clicking the OK button at this point exports the configured project from OPC and imports it to Procore.

As you can see from the screenshot above, the Connector has retrieved some details from the Procore project targeted by this configuration, including the when the schedule currently in Procore was uploaded, and the data date from that schedule.

New Configuration

The other option you are presented with in the Select Configuration field is New....

Creating a new configuration

Choosing this option and clicking the OK button will take you to the screen you have seen before to create a new configuration.

Delete Configuration

As well as the Export to Procore option, the Select Operation field also contains the value Delete Configuration. Selecting a configuration and the Delete Configuration option will delete the selected configuration when you press the OK button.

Configuration selected for delete


When the Connector is first installed it will start a 21 day free trial. You can see a countdown of the remaining days in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Trial period

At any time during the trial period, a new license can be purchased and added to the Connector. To add a new license, select the Add License menu option from the Start menu.

Add license menu option

Selecting this menu option will open a dialog like the one shown below:

Add license dialog

NOTE: If the trial expires you will automatically be taken to this dialog when the Connector is started.

A link on the dialog will take you to the e-commerce website which will allow you to purchase a license. Once you have completed the purchase you will be provided with a link which when followed will display the license text. The result will look something like this:

New license key

Copy the lines starting from the BEGIN LICENSE line and ending with the END LICENSE line, paste them into the text box on the Connector and click OK. You should now see a success message.

Licensing success message

If you see a failure message you will be given the option to re-enter the key. If you still have issues getting your key to work, please contact

If the license has been added successfully, when you next use the Connector the status line at the bottom of the window will indicate the end date for support and updates.

License status message

While the Connector has a valid license installed it will notify you when updates are available, and if you encounter any issues you can contact Timephased Support.

Once your license has expired the status line will show the message "LICENSE EXPIRED: purchase a new license for support and updates". The Connector will continue to work, it just won't receive any further updates and you will not be able to contact Timephased Support.

IMPORTANT NOTE: once your license has expired, you are only entitled to use the last version of the Connector which was available while your license was active. This version will continue to work for you, but it will not notify you that newer versions are available. If you choose to manually download and install a more recent version of the Connector, the Connector will no longer work as it will recognize that it was created after your license expired. In this situation you will either need to re-install the older version of the Connector, or purchase a new license.